Have you ever looked closely at a color palette and wondered if it was a good palette or just the one you had? Palette Lint is a tool that helps you evaluate the quality of a color palette. It operates analogously to a spell checker (or more closely, like a linter), but for color palettes. It will help you identify issues with your palette and suggest improvements.
It is design solely for use with the color-buddy-palette package and programmatically. There is not a CLI interface, but it can be used through the color-buddy GUI (unless you build one!). It comes packages with a collection of prebuilt lints intuitively titled PREBUILT_LINTS
You can install it with
npm install color-buddy-palette-lint
This library contains the following functions:
Function: linter(palette: Palette, lints: LintProgram[], options: RunLintOptions) => LintResult[]
Description: The primary function for this package, it takes in a palette (defined by color-buddy-palette) and an array of lint programs and returns a list of LintResults.
Function: suggestLintFix(palette: Palette, lint: LintResult) => Promise<Palette[]>
Description: Suggest a heuristic fix for a failing lint result if there is one available. Fixes are available for the following lints:
- background-contrast: fixBackgroundDifferentiability
- name-discrim: fixColorNameDiscriminability
- diverging-order: fixDivergingOrder
- in-gamut: fixGamut
- max-colors: fixMaxColors
- sequential-order: fixSequentialOrder
- even-distribution: fixHueDistribution, fixLightnessDistribution
Function: suggestMCFix(palette: Palette, lints: LintProgram[]) => Promise<Palette>
Description: Suggest a fix using a monte-carlo inspired optimization algorithm. This function will take a palette and a list of lints and attempt to fix the palette by taking random steps in the color space until all lints pass.
This library contains the following types:
interface LintProgram { blameMode: Property blameMode: "none" | "single" | "pair" customProgram: Property customProgram: Function description: Property description: string expectedFailingTests: Property expectedFailingTests: Palette[] expectedPassingTests: Property expectedPassingTests: Palette[] failMessage: Property failMessage: string group: Property group: "design" | "accessibility" | "usability" | "custom" id: Property id: string level: Property level: "error" | "warning" name: Property name: string program: Property program: string requiredTags: Property requiredTags: string[] subscribedFix: Property subscribedFix: string taskTypes: Property taskTypes: PalType[] }
Type: LintResult: SuccessLintResult | IgnoredLintResult | InvalidLintResult
Description: The result of running a lint program on a palette. There are three possible outcomes:
- Success: The lint passed or failed as expected {kind: "success"}. It has properties -- blameData: The colors that caused the lint to fail -- message: A message explaining why the lint failed -- naturalLanguageProgram: A human-readable version of the lint program -- passes: Whether the lint passed or failed
- Ignored: The lint was ignored
- Invalid: The lint was invalid
All cases also have a lintProgram property that contains the lint program that was run.
Example usage of the library:
import { makePalFromString } from "color-buddy-palette";
import { LintProgram, linter } from "color-buddy-palette-lint";
const exampleLint: LintProgram = {
name: "Max Colors",
program: `{
"$schema": "",
"<": { "left": { "count": "colors" }, "right": 11 },
taskTypes: ["sequential", "diverging", "categorical"] as const,
level: "warning",
group: "design",
"Palettes should have a maximum number of colors. Higher numbers of colors can make it hard to identify specific values.",
failMessage: `This palette has too many colors and may be hard to discriminate in some contexts. Maximum: 10.`,
id: "too-many-colors-built-in",
blameMode: "single",
subscribedFix: "fixMaxColors",
requiredTags: [],
expectedPassingTests: [
makePalFromString(["#000000", "#ffffff", "#ff0000", "#00ff00", "#0000ff"]),
expectedFailingTests: [
makePalFromString([ Array(20)].map(() => "#000000")),
const exampleFailingPalette = exampleLint.expectedFailingTests[0];
const lintResult = linter(exampleFailingPalette, [exampleLint], {
// computeBlame and computeMessage are optional and default to false
computeBlame: true,
computeMessage: true,